CombineSchedulers Documentation

Class Publishers.​Timer

public final class Timer<Scheduler: Combine.Scheduler>: ConnectablePublisher  

A publisher that emits a scheduler's current time on a repeating interval.

This publisher is an alternative to Foundation's Timer.publisher, with its primary difference being that it allows you to use any scheduler for the timer, not just RunLoop. This is useful because the RunLoop scheduler is not testable in the sense that if you want to write tests against a publisher that makes use of Timer.publisher you must explicitly wait for time to pass in order to get emissions. This is likely to lead to fragile tests and greatly bloat the time your tests take to execute.

It can be used much like Foundation's timer, except you specify a scheduler rather than a run loop:

Publishers.Timer(every: .seconds(1), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
  .sink { print("Timer", $0) }

But more importantly, you can use it with TestScheduler so that any Combine code you write involving timers becomes more testable. This shows how we can easily simulate the idea of moving time forward 1,000 seconds in a timer:

let scheduler = DispatchQueue.test
var output: [Int] = []

Publishers.Timer(every: 1, scheduler: scheduler)
  .sink { _ in output.append(output.count) }
  .store(in: &self.cancellables)

XCTAssertEqual(output, [])

scheduler.advance(by: 1)
XCTAssertEqual(output, [0])

scheduler.advance(by: 1)
XCTAssertEqual(output, [0, 1])

scheduler.advance(by: 1_000)
XCTAssertEqual(output, Array(0...1_001))
%13 Publishers.Timer Publishers.Timer ConnectablePublisher ConnectablePublisher Publishers.Timer->ConnectablePublisher

Conforms To


Nested Type Aliases


public typealias Output = Scheduler.SchedulerTimeType


public typealias Failure = Never



public init(
        every interval: Scheduler.SchedulerTimeType.Stride,
        tolerance: Scheduler.SchedulerTimeType.Stride? = nil,
        scheduler: Scheduler,
        options: Scheduler.SchedulerOptions? = nil



public let interval: Scheduler.SchedulerTimeType.Stride


public let options: Scheduler.SchedulerOptions? 


public let scheduler: Scheduler


public let tolerance: Scheduler.SchedulerTimeType.Stride? 



public func receive<Sub: Subscriber>(subscriber: Sub)
      where Failure == Sub.Failure, Output == Sub.Input  


public func connect() -> Cancellable